Welcome to Somerville Mathematics

Welcome to Somerville Mathematics, a blog devoted to exciting mathematical things happening in Somerville MA. I am the founder of The Somerville Mathematics Fund, www.Somervillemathematicsfund.org
The Math Fund was chartered to celebrate and encourage mathematics achievement in Somerville. I hope you will check out my TEDxSomerville talk on the Somerville Math Fund,
I find that there are many other interesting things happening mathematically in Somerville and I hope on this blog to have others share what they are doing. So please contact me at mathfund@gmail.com if you would like to contribute an article.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Scrapheap Showdown is Coming!!

This year’s Scrapheap Showdown is on October 24th at Cousens Gym in “the Cage.”’

To enter a team of three, go to www.somervillemathematicsfund.org and download the  application.
It is due on October 14th, so it is time to get started on putting together your team.

To be eligible to compete:
You need to live in Somerville.
You can not have graduated from high school.
You need to “fundraise” $75/team ($25 each) by the day of the competition.

We are working on a new problem -- exciting and as challenging as before.  So come ready to have fun and meet our challenge!

For information, contact voolich@gmail.com